Welcome to our testimonials page. This platform is dedicated to sharing the stories of our boat owners. You’ll find personal accounts of adventures, experiences and the unique lifestyle enabled by utilising one of our boat ownership schemes. Dive in to find out how Ribshack has enriched our owners boating experiences

Mark’s testimonial
Mark mainly lives in the USA and finds shared ownership with RSM works well for him and his family, despite the distance.
We joined the RIB Shack program as it seemed to suit us, We live mainly in the USA so having full ownership of a boat here in the UK just didn’t make sense. We are able to swap weeks around with fellow owners and I can honestly say that I think we make more use of this boat than we ever did owning our own.
To be able to just come over for a few weeks and incorporate boat trips without the worry of storing, maintenance and everything else that comes along with boat ownership is absolutely priceless. The RIB Shack fractional/shared ownership is almost too easy. Great people looking out for all the owner’s best interests!
Mark, 2023.

Jonathan & Nicola’s testimonial
Jonathan & Nicola found owning a share with friends in an Axopar 28 Cabin was an ideal way to get started in boat ownership.
We decided on sharing a share on Fools Gold as we were relatively new to boating and our friends have more experience, so we have been able to benefit from their local knowledge of the Solent. Two families can comfortably have a great day out on the water in the boat. The other massive benefit is we only pay half of the mooring and fuel costs.
Jonathan & Nicola, 2023.

Neil’s testimonial
Neil tells us how much he enjoys hassle-free boating with RIB Shack Marine
Brendan and I had shared a rib previously which we decided to sell based on the fact that other commitments meant it was hardly ever being used. After a gap of about 5 years, we spoke about how much we had enjoyed the rib experience and maybe it was now time to buy a new one.
A friend of mine had recommended RIB Shack Marine as a possible alternative and once I had undertaken some research, the concept of sharing a rib seemed a perfect solution. Financially it makes sense due largely to not having to pay dry-stack/mooring fees for a self-owned rib. In fact, the service provided by RIB Shack makes it a ‘hassle-free’ way to get out on the water for a reasonable price. The boat is beautifully maintained and always fully fuelled, so that all we have to do is turn up – my idea of perfect boating!
Neil, 2023.

William’s testimonial
William and his family live in Hong Kong and enjoys the convenience of hassle-free boating onboard his Ribeye A811 when visiting the UK.
Working overseas means we need a hassle-free but flexible boat ownership structure which gives us all the thrills but less of the spills….Colin and Helen (and the RIB Shack team) have delivered that in spades.
William, 2023.

Simon’s testimonial
Simon found owning a share in an Axopar 28 Cabin means he isn’t paying for a boat that would have sat in a marina most of the time.
We had always wanted to try owning a boat but the overall costs and risk that the boat might just end up sitting in a marina most of the time had put us off. When we found RIB Shack Marine and the flexibility of the amazing shared ownership scheme, we knew we had to try it. We have never looked back and utterly love our boat and the time we spend on it. We also seem to have a long line of friends and family who want to come and visit us during our boat weeks!
Simon, 2023.

Simon & Jess’ testimonial
Simon and Jess have been owners in our Shared Boat Ownership scheme since 2015 and currently share a 25% share with their friends.
We have friends who live near us in Chichester Harbour and, as we seldom use the RIB for more than two or three days in our allotted week, it made sense for us to share a week with them. We have been customers of RIB Shack Marine since 2015 and we have found it an ideal and hassle free way of getting out an about in the Solent with friends and family.
Simon and Jess, 2023.

Ian’s testimonial
One of our owners, Ian, tells us how we made owning a new Ribeye RIB possible for him.
Having owned boats for the last 20 years and having sold my Ribeye 785 after 8 years of ownership just before lockdown I found myself missing the water. So in February 2022, I started looking for what my £30,000 budget would get me, the problem was that I bought my Ribeye brand new and all I could now afford was a 10-year-old one with a smaller engine. The condition would not be perfect and any mechanical issues in the future would be potentially costly. The excitement
of owning a boat again soon faded.
I was looking through the adverts when I spotted one offering a share in a brand new Ribeye for less than my budget, I clicked the link which took me to the RIB Shack Marine website, I read all the details and wanted to know more I called the number and left a message.
An hour later Colin the co-owner, the other being his wife, called me and we discussed the finer details of the deal and the process, being a bit of a sceptic I bombarded him with questions over the course of several days which he answered quickly and to my satisfaction. I ran the numbers numerous times with different scenarios trying to find a reason to go and buy that 10-year-old boat.
I could not find one that meant financial sense, and the thought of driving around in a brand new boat again without the worry of further expense in the future if there we issues made it a no-brainer for me.
Having the boat maintained in terms of maintenance and cleaning is also a major benefit.
About to enjoy my 2nd season on the Ribeye A683 and the efficiency of the RIB Shack team has made the whole experience a pleasure.
If anyone were thinking of buying a used boat I would recommend speaking to RIB Shack Marine first before parting with your money.
Ian, 2023.

Chris’ testimonial
Chris, tells us what he loves about being part of the RIB Shack Marine Shared Boat Ownership scheme.
Owning a boat through RIB Shack Marine is like having your own boat concierge. You turn up and the boat is clean, fuelled up and ready to go. There’s no launching hassle and no trailer to park, get on board and enjoy the boat. It really does remove many practical barriers to ownership, and from a cost perspective if you want a new boat, it’s a very significant saving.
Chris, 2023.

Tim’s testimonial
Tim, a shared owner on an Axopar 28 shares why joining the RSM scheme works better for him than other fractional ownership schemes.
We’ve bought, sold, and joined various fractional ownership schemes for both sail and power over the past 30 or so years. But if you want the sense of ownership, optimal usage and the hassle taken out of owning and running a boat, then RIB Shack are the people to check out.
Well-maintained, top-class boats at 25% of the capital cost together with attentive, responsive service and support, blend the best of both worlds. We’re free to do what boating is all about, unencumbered enjoyment on the water!
Tim, 2023

Martin’s testimonial
Martin, an owner of a share in an Axopar, shares what he likes about our ‘ready to go’ boating model.
I’ve often thought about buying a boat as many friends have Axopar’s, but being new to boating the idea of a management part-ownership scheme really appealed to me, particularly why I’m still working. The scheme requires a relatively low investment and provides a `ready-to-go’ boating solution during your allocated period without all the hassle of ownership and for a fairly modest management fee. If you have limited time for boating or limited funds the RIB Shack ownership scheme has some real upsides. I’d recommend it.
Martin, 2023.

Fergus’ testimonial
Fergus who owns a 25% share in an Axopar 28 Cabin loves the boating without the hassle.
RIB Shack Marine provides an excellent service. Flexible and helpful – an ideal format for anyone keen to get on the water but lacking the time to do all the stuff in the background (insurance, maintenance, etc). As one of my properly nautical friends said ‘boating without any of the hassle – who wouldn’t love that’.
Fergus, 2023

Jon’s testimonial
Jon tells us how owning a share means he can enjoy his time aboard plus all of his other interests.
I joined RIB Shack so I could enjoy my boating at a fraction of the cost of owning a boat outright. Even though I’m retired, I have lots of other interests so being restricted in how much I can use a boat is not a massive issue as long as you plan carefully. The Axopar 37 is a great day boat with lots of deck space and a sea-kindly hull for those days when it gets a bit choppy
Jon, 2023.

Viv, Mark and Chris’ testimonial
We hear from a brother and sister whose families share a 25% share and enjoy time on their RIB.
Sharing a boat with my brother gave us the confidence to dip our toes in the water of boat sharing, whilst sharing knowledge, know-how and costs.
Viv & Mark, 2023.
We have a shared share because the boat gets more use and our costs are reduced. With a little bit of planning, we’ve never had a problem with weeks clashing and for me, it’s all upside.
Chris, 2023
Contact Us Today
With owners’ interests at our heart, we combine luxury with convenience to give you peace of mind, knowing all the hard work is done for you.Treat yourself and your loved ones to unforgettable experiences. Get in touch with us today to enquire about our Shared Boat Ownership Scheme.
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